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Above Guideline Rent Increases are extra rent increases that some landlords apply for in addition to the regular annual rent increase.

We strongly suggest that you read the first document listed below, So You Just Received your first Above Guideline Rent Increase; this short document explains everything you need to know to get started.

This topic is complicated, but it is important to know that help is available to pay for and fight your above guideline rent increase, and also there are some terrific information resources available that explain what an Above Guideline Rent Increase is, and how to fight it.

The Akelius Tenants Network has created these guides:
RenovictionsTO has a guide to fighting Above Guideline Rent Increases:
Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) has a guide to rent increases that includes Above Guideline Increases (see page 3), with information on how to get legal advice (see page 11) in this document:
Federation of Metro Tenants’ Associations (FMTA) has guides regarding Above Guideline Rent Increases and the Tenant Defence Fund Grant Program, that can help you to pay for a paralegal to help you fight your above guideline rent increase:

For those looking for more in-depth information regarding Above Guideline Rent Increases:

After reading these documents, head over to the Above Gudeline Rent Increases forum to discuss your situation with other tenants.

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