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General Discussion

This section is for general discussions on any topic (while still remembering to post questions regarding tenant problems in their appropriate "Common Tenant Problems" areas).

Questions not Covered Here?

If you have questions about your rights as a renter or are having problems with your landlord, then there are several terrific sources of reliable information available:
  • The Federation of Metro Tenant Associations (FMTA) is a renter advocacy organisation here in Toronto that has many experts who can answer your questions either by telephone (416-921-9494), postal-mail, or e-mail (

  • If you have questions about hearings at the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB), either because you or your landlord has scheduled a hearing or you are considering filing a complaint (“tenant application”) at the LTB, there are lawyers and community legal workers who can help. There is no cost for their service. These Tenant Duty Counsel advisors are available at most LTB offices (COVID permitting), and are also available to speak with by telephone.

  • You can also speak with a layer at your local Community Legal Clinic (CLC) office. Your local CLC can provide you with legal advice or connect you with legal representation. Each CLC office services a specific area of the city; check their webpage for more information. It is usually best to visit during one of their “Drop In” times, if they have them. You can try telephoning, but these are busy offices, so it is usually faster to drop in than to call. You can find the CLC office that services your area by following this link.

Author Topic: New Section Suggestion: LT Board and Hearings  (Read 2360 times)

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New Section Suggestion: LT Board and Hearings
« on: May 05, 2022, 04:09:55 pm »
Hearings at the Landlord Tenant Board are very intimidating and tenants get almost no practical advice about LTB procedures and how to handle themselves at a hearing. I'm actually surprised this topic didn't already exist.

I just went through a hearing and it was a very stressful experience, complete with a board Member who was both biased to the landlord and disorganized. Tenants are at a huge disadvantage because the adjudicators are all on a first name basis with landlord representatives. There are only about 20 of these reps, but they dominate proceedings with the full cooperation of their pals the adjudicators. Meanwhile all we get are volunteer legal representatives who are usually students or inexperienced, this includes duty counsel.

I suggest that there should be a section about hearings and Board procedures, like disclosing evidence, preparing for hearings, or other Board rules and procedures. Tenants could share our stories about experiences we had, landlord representatives and their behaviours, etc. as well as answering questions about board hearings.


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