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Topics - Jo Jo 99

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Evictions / Renoviction
« on: June 15, 2022, 12:57:52 pm »
I am wondering if there are renters that are going through a similar situation as i am.

I have lived in my apartment for 12 years. I live in a duplex with 5 other apartments. We have had the same landlords for a very long time, and recently they decided to sell the property. Within about a month in new ownership. Myself and the 4 other units were served N13' eviction notices. Reasoning: to demolish the building and build a single family home. There is suspicion that the owner does not live in this Country, as we are being managed by a third party property management company. ( seems incredibly disorganized) The owner has not provided any permits for the property and our eviction date is December 2023. We (the tenants) have legal representation and are going to fight this "renoviction" as many of us have lived there for over 10 years, some even as long as 20 years. This is very much our home.

Just curious if there are any other tenants out there that have gone through this before and have gone to a hearing and what their experience was. Or if anyone is going through a renoviction with similar circumstances.

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